And I'm too busy!
I did find time Tuesday night with Tyler to test a few of our bread recipes!
We have our white bread, wheat bread, cinnamon sugar bread, chocolate bread, and we are still in the works with a few others! I'll have to take some pictures.
Launch day is T MINUS 34 days and counting and I am feeling strapped for time! Hopefully within the next couple weeks, I will have more to post including pictures! I am going to be doing some sampling with a bunch of honest pastry cooks, well hopefully honest!
So, instead of just keeping track of my NON-progress, I'm sure you guys want to know our story a bit. I'll try and explain.
You've heard about Tyler's obsession with Peanut Butter and my degree in Baking and Pastry. I work at Momofuku Milkbar at the moment. I also work at Sur la Table. I enjoy both jobs. They're Grrreat! But I do not want to be a pastry cook forever, and I do not want to be a salesperson either (I'm REALLY not cut out for sales.... Um, yeah, they're all good brands... you should buy whichever one FEELS right to you.... that's not exactly what the boss wants to hear) but I do fair pretty well and a lot of customers like my non-pushy vibe and I do actually sell some things. Crazy.
But I guess in "adventuring" into the Peanut Butter and Jelly world, I am looking for something more. Something to fulfill what I want to do, rather than what someone ELSE wants me to do. And hopefully it will turn a small profit. I'm not going crazy here, but at least breaking even and supporting itself as a small (miniscule) business will satisfy me. If no one likes it, well, it will just increase my odds for success in the next "adventure".
I have plenty of ideas all the time, but I am poor, there is NO getting around this fact, and I do not have any money for start up. Luckily, Tyler has some to help with the Peanut Butter Jelly, which is a low start up (luckily), but we are hoping that if it can stand on its own two, thin, peanut buttery legs, that maybe we will be able to invest in more of our ideas. (We have a book. Literally... AND I could have kicked myself when the iPod came out. That was really hard on me... Baby Mama? Anyone? Anyone? fine.)
So, that's a bit of our story. Stay tuned for more!.... Oscars are on.....
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