Tuesday, March 8, 2011


So, Tyler and I have talked a lot about what we want this company to stand for.

We definitely want to support eco-friendly packaging options as often as possible but some things we are finding are a little difficult to come by.  Anyone know of any eco-friendly sticker companies out there?

We also know we don't want a lot of waste, but we also DO want to get our name out there so we are looking into new innovative ways to do just that.  If anyone has any suggestions, please, we would love to hear them!

We have also decided that if we, somehow, turn a profit that we would like to donate some of that money.  So each month we are highlighting a different charity and donating 10% of our profits that month to that charity.  I know, 10% doesn't seem like much.  I see companies doing this all the time and I scold them under my breath for being so cheap.  However, these are well-established multi-million dollar companies with tons of money to give, and I am not.  But I do see the importance in staying humble and helping others.  So, for now, I am starting with 10%, and if for some reason 10% turns out to be, say $1.00, then I will donate a minimum of $10.00 every month. These charities will be highlighted on our packing and we will try and seek out true and sincere charities so that you and I will both know that the minimum $10.00 I am donating will be used to the best of its ability.

We are also going to, thanks for reminding me, contact City Harvest and see if we can donate our leftover food that we do not sell every week.  If for some reason they cannot accept it. I'll just hand them out to the less fortunate people that surround us everyday, or to a soup kitchen that is just down my block (thanks for reminding me again, I was going to see if I could volunteer there).

So, just so you know.  We are kind people.  We do not want to sell food just for a greedy profit.  We are humble and would like to stay that way.  Basically, we just think Peanut Butter Jellified is a pretty kick ass idea and want to pursue it and we hope people like it! Because we do!

Thanks for listening....
Stay tuned...

I made some wheat and chocolate bread today.... more testing! Yum Yum!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Emily (and Tyler), I just had to comment. The donation aspect of your new venture is very thoughtful...even if it is small to begin with, it comes from your hearts! Love you both!
    Good Fortune...T minus how many days now??? Do you have a menu yet? I'm excited... Ma

    ps...keep me posted, no pun intended, haha
